Sunday, May 18, 2008


I am still in Yazd - The place I stay in is becoming home already - it is very hot, laid back and very nice here. I enjoy to relax and restock after the two weeks of camping. Yesterday I went for a day trip into the mountain. My bike suffered from the rough conditions and my shoe broke :(
Still I am happily enjoying the desert!

together with my biking friends at the tower of Silence - Zoroastrian burial place
@the lesser known tower of silence in the middle of the desert - waiting for the vultures :)
from below

into an unknown valley
getting rough
finally - on A road again!!
the city of Taft

display of wealth - artificial waterfall
the main mosque in Yazd - an architectural masterpiece

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sometimes I have the - very egocentric I know - feeling you are doing this trip only so I can see all these great pictures of these places i want to see, soon, hopefully. Towers of silence for instance...