Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Temples of Angkor

And we have pictures again!

We are already awing away the second day of our three day visit to the Angkor temples. I will spare you all the historical, religious and mythological data, which you can get from the link above and instead follow the old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words.

The terrace of the Bayon, the temple with 216 faces: is it a god, is it a king or is it someones enormous ego?! Probably all of these combined in the Khmer king Jayavarman VII

Preah Neak Pean temple once set in the middle of a lake, surrounded with four more lakes, look for the same construction in a new Las Vegas casino complex

Faces of a tower

The temples give in to the moving soil

Pres Rup temple

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