Wednesday, April 16, 2008


After yesterday İ had an easy day planned. Zile - Tokat around 80 km flat - well as flat as it gets here. Until Pazar that is exactly what happened. Exiting Pazar there is a Seljuk Caravansary which İ wanted to see. There where three guys working there (turning the place into a restaurant). İ was invited for lunch and then the boss kept on telling me how İ can not miss Ballıca Cave.
İn the end İ gave in, left my luggage there and went to the cave. İ planned to miss it because of the 20 km detour (uphill).

When İ came to pick up my luggage İ again was invited to numerous cays and a ride for the last 25 klicks.
Tokat itself is so so. Admittedly it is raining now and it was dark when we arrived. The hotel sucks and İ did not see any of the sights which according to the lonely liar are plenty. (btw)

PS 55km /570mAscent

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